Thoughts of Futaba
(Age 15)
(Age 15)
copyright 2010
I hate my mom.
She always tells me to study. I hate that. Of course, I know I have a test next week. Doesn’t she know I have friends? Doesn’t she know I like to watch TV once in awhile? Why can’t she give me any time to myself?
It’s, like, we always have this stupid talk once a week, which turns into an argument. I’m glad I threw that book at her. She deserved it after pulling my hair.
I hate my mom.
She always tells me to study. I hate that. Of course, I know I have a test next week. Doesn’t she know I have friends? Doesn’t she know I like to watch TV once in awhile? Why can’t she give me any time to myself?
It’s, like, we always have this stupid talk once a week, which turns into an argument. I’m glad I threw that book at her. She deserved it after pulling my hair.
Oh, my friend sent me an email. Nope. Just some stupid spam. I hate that. Why don’t they realize that I am not going to buy their crap?
Where is my bag? Here it is. Oh, my god! This folder is the best. The Arashi boys are so cute! I love them. I’m going to marry Hiroyuki. I wish he didn’t have that stupid girlfriend. Why do idols always have such beautiful girlfriends? She is tall with long hair and light skin. She is so lucky. I’m short and will never get such a cute boy like Hiroyuki.
Oh, another message. Ah, it’s my friend. What’s new, Manami? Uh, huh. Uh huh. Yeah, same old blah, blah, blah. Just like me. I can’t wait for the school festival this weekend so I can get out of my house. It is so horrible being around my mom and my stupid sister.
Yuka’s been nagging me about this and that lately. She’s just like Mom. I can’t believe that she asked me to record that program for her the other day and I did. I asked her if she saw it, she said, “Of course, stupid.” She can be such a bitch.
What’s that? Oh, it’s you Momo. Come on in, girl. Let Mommy pick you up. Oh, you are so full of licks today. Oh, my god! Your tongue went in my mouth. That’s ok, you’re such a cutie little dog. You bring Mommy so much happiness. Why can’t anyone else in this house do the same?
You’re the only one I love, Momo.
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